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Every Pet Deserves A




A  life  well  lived


A life well loved

TLC Tender Loving Creatures provides professional one-stop pet aftercare services. Always with respect, we assist owners in accompanying their beloved pets on their final journey in life. We allow them to say farewell in a solemn yet soothing environment and express their endless sentiments for their pets to commemorate their short yet brilliant lives.

About Section



With sincerity and respect, we commit to assisting the owner in escorting their beloved to the Rainbow Bridge

Flow of Services

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 Contact us
+852 2115 3151

and we will do our best to pick up your pet within 2 hours

Cleaning and Storage

Appointment for Cremation Date

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Pet’s Body will be cleaned before Cremation

Arrange a Memorial and Cremation Service

Ash Handling and Placement of Ashes


Customer Testimonials





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雖然Bee Bee已離開我哋一個月了,但我哋全家人都好掛著佢,佢嘅神情、氣味、聲音、發脾氣⋯⋯所有所有。

多謝你哋為Bee Bee清潔善後,令佢走得好乾淨、好舒服!再沒有皮膚毛病,可以見番所有美好的回憶,忘記所有不愉快經歷。好好休息⋯⋯一路好走!辛苦各位 (感激)
From Bee Bee:各位TLC嘅哥哥,多謝你哋幫我洗白白扮靚靚,咁我可以無牽無掛咁去彩虹橋!

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很感激你們的體貼,為我們最愛的Mimi (小貓) 清潔身體和做按摩,令Mimi 身體保持柔軟,整潔美麗地離開。




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About TLC

We understand the special bond that exists between humans and our companion animals, and when it’s time to say goodbye, the pain of losing a pet is like losing family. Therefore we are committed to providing professional farewell and cremation services to give pets the dignified farewell they deserve and to extend the precious relationship between owners and their pets. We are also passionately active and enthusiastic in charitable activities to support the younger generation and the animal welfare community.

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Professional Service

Our experienced and caring team provides one-stop pet aftercare services, from receiving pet remains, cleaning and disinfection, arranging farewell ceremonies, and even independent cremation, always with a compassionate and respectful attitude, to allow owners to say goodbye to their pets in a harmonious, comfortable atmosphere and a complete peace of mind. If you have any questions, we are always happy to answer them.

Clear and Transparent

We strictly adhere to professional and ethical conduct, and will clearly explain all our service charges and terms to our customers. We never charge hidden fees and our prices are always clear and transparent.

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Precious Memories

We provide a series of thoughtful commemorative products and urns to help you cement the cherished memories you have with your pet, and keep your beloved forever by your side.

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Our Services

Our customers share heartfelt testimonials about their sense of relief after using TLC Tender Loving Creatures’ services to accompany them through their bereavement process. Our professional services have also been reported by many press and media, so you can rest assured.

Get in touch with us

to contact our pet funeral consultants,

or send a WhatsApp message to

for enquiry details

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